About AddOnSuite.com

AddonSuite.com is about helping Google Workspace Apps (Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets) users optimize their workflow, through Add-on automation and integration.

Our mission is to help 50,000 Google Workspace Apps users save 1 hour a month, any more than that is pure bonus.

Who is the primary developer of the Workspace Add-ons.

Hi there!

My name is Harris, I’m the owner and sole operator of AddonSuite.com.

My mission for this website is super simple.

I love building tools that will help you save at least 1 hour a month through automating your workflow within Google Workspace. I’ve been developing Google Apps Scripts for Google Workspace Apps and Google Ads for over a decade.

In 2023, I decided to deploy many of the Google Apps Add-on script on Google Workspace Marketplace to allow more users to use them.

Here’s where you can find us:



