Privacy Policy for Convert To Uneditable Slides

This document explains:

  • what information we collect and why we collect it
  • how we use that information

1. Goal

Our goal is to be clear about what information we collect

2. Applicability

This privacy policy applies for add-ons listed below:

3. Information we collect

The only information this add-on collect is your email. This information is collected when you start using this addon, this information will help us provide better services and experience to all of our users – from figuring out basic stuff like errors that you encounter as you use the add-on (Google error and debugging logs are automatically deleted after 30-90 days, we currently don’t use any additional error or debugging mechanisms.) We also use your email address to determine whether you have a pro account(with paid subscription) or regular account type to provide the features to each type accordingly. This is checked against our payment processor Stripe.

Google error and debugging logs are secured within Google cloud and are not accessible nor shared to any 3rd party.

3a. Data Sharing disclosure

We do not transfer or disclose your information to third parties for purposes other than the ones mentioned above.

3b. Data Protection Mechanism

As mentioned above, logs are automatically deleted after 30-90 days, to protect and reduce issues related to data breaches. Unless otherwise specified your data is not stored or transferred to our servers except for the logs that are deleted. This security procedure is in place to protect the confidentiality of your data.

3c. Data retention or deletion disclosure

As mentioned above for debugging purposes, we store your personal information (email only) for a period of time that is consistent with our business purposes. This will help us debug a problem when you encounter an error with our addon. However, this data is only stored for 30-90 days and are deleted automatically by Google.

After 30-90 days all our logs beyond 30-90 days will be deleted and destroyed.

4. User information

Add-ons listed in section 2. do not collect any user information except using your email for debugging purposes or to determine your account status, whether you have a Pro Account or not. If you decide to pay for a Pro Upgrade we will use your email to determine your subscription status.

We might also contact you regarding your subscription or use of this Add-on via email for purposes of supporting your usage of this Add-on.

If you decide to discontinue and have us purge your email from our system or Payment system please use this form to let us know. Pick Other in Type field and Enter Purge My Email from System and/or Payment System.

4.1. Compliance

App’s use and transfer of information (your email) received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to  Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

5. Anonymous Usage Statistics

Add-ons listed in section 2. might collect anonymous user usage statistics typically using Google Analytics. These statistics provide valuable insight on how users interact with add-ons.

6. Changes

Our Privacy Policy may be adjusted depending on our products and service requests. We will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy without your explicit consent. We will post any Privacy Policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. We will also keep prior versions of this Privacy Policy in an archive for your review.

Updated May 23, 2024

Created March 20, 2023.